Cubase 12 Installation Issues

1 min. readlast update: 10.17.2023

If you are using our Cubase packs and you have moved to Cubase 12 you will need to go through the Cubase installation procedure again as outlined in the PDF in your pack. The settings DO NOT migrate from 11 to 12.

You will need to ensure the MIDI ports are connected and to create a Generic Remote again as per the PDF instructions.

Note the new path for placing the Key Commands file is: Mac : Users/”username”/Library/Preferences/Cubase 12/Presets/KeyCommands Win: “Username”/AppData/Roaming/Steinberg/Cubase 12/Presets/KeyCommands

Make sure to select the SideshowFX Cubase Mac/Win key command file in Cubase/Edit/KeyCommands Presets dropdown

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