How do I add a custom icon?

2 min. readlast update: 10.17.2023

Adding in custom icons is one of the best ways to truly customize your profiles. Stream Deck itself has a few options for inserting in custom icons to replace the generic ones created by the program.


The first option is Set From File. This allows you to choose an icon you have either purchased, downloaded or created yourself and apply it. A far easier way to do the same thing is simply to drag and drop your desired icon onto the Icon tray.

If you are applying an icon that already has a title on it as part of the image, you will want to remove the title Stream Deck places on it otherwise the two appear on top of each other (if your title is positioned lower bottom). You can turn off Stream Deck’s title by clicking the Title menu dropdown and deselecting “Show Title”.


The second option for applying a custom Icon is to use Elgato’s own online Icon Generator. By choosing the “Create New Icon” option you will be taken to Elgato’s website Icon Generator where you have many options to create and save your own unique design.


The third and most recent option is Open Stream Deck Library. This will open the library of any icon packs you have downloaded from the Stream Deck store. If you haven’t downloaded any packs, head over to the store by clicking the store icon, navigate to the Icons Panel and choosing which pack you would like to download for free.

SideshowFX has several packs in the Stream Deck store featuring hundreds of icons you can download and use for free. These are some of the icons from the packs we currently have for sale in the SideshowFX store of course our paid packs have many many more icons as well as pre-built profiles but these free icons sets are a great way to get you started.

Once the pack has been download, now when you click “Open Stream Deck Library” the pack will appear in your own library. Clicking on the icon you want to use automatically loads it onto the currently open Icon tray.

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