How do I decide which profile(s) in my pack to install?

1 min. readlast update: 10.17.2023

If you have...

Studio Version of Davinci with single monitor and display resolution matches one of the pre-built profile sets:

  • Use the appropriate pre-built resolution profile set
  • Reset UI and auto dock hiding is on (or green button maximize)
  • Turn on Dolby, HDR10 and HDR Vivid
  • Bottom Davinci Menu set to Labels and Icons

Free Version of Davinci with single monitor and display resolution matches one of the pre-built profile sets:

  • Use the appropriate pre-built resolution profile set
  • Reset UI and auto dock hiding is on (or green button maximize)
  • Bottom Davinci Menu set to Labels and Icons
  • Assign the coordinates for the Headers (all other controls will already by recorded)

Free or Studio Version of Davinci with single monitor and display resolution does not match one of the pre-built profile sets:

  • Use Generic profile
  • Assign the coordinates for the keys you want

Free or Studio Version of Davinci with dual monitor and display resolution does not match one of the pre-built profile sets:

  • Use Generic profile
  • Assign the coordinates for the keys you want

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